Runner's PT Eval

Are you struggling with a nagging injury holding you back from running? We’re here to help you reclaim your running with a comprehensive and personalized approach. When you choose our services, here’s what you can expect:

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  • Understand Your Situation and Injury: We’ll sit down with you to understand your unique training habits, lifestyle, and the factors that led to your current situation. Getting to know you is critical to tailoring our approach.
  • Full Physical Assessment: We’ll take you through a thorough evaluation of your anatomy, strength, mobility, and running-specific movement tests. This helps us understand your unique anatomy while identifying the root causes of your pain or limitations.
  • Running Form Analysis: If you can run on the treadmill, we’ll utilize our advanced slow-motion video capture to identify any underlying issues with your running form. This enables us to address form-related concerns for a more efficient, injury-free running experience.
  • A Plan Made For You: By the end of our session, you’ll have a crystal-clear understanding of how we can get you back on track toward your running goals. We’ll provide you with a roadmap tailored to your needs and answer any questions you have.
  • Detailed Summary: After your session, you’ll receive a comprehensive email summarizing our discussion and links to videos showcasing the specific corrective exercises and drills that we discussed in the clinic.
  • Ongoing Support: We’re here for you even after you leave. We’re committed to ensuring your success.

Don’t let pain sideline your running dreams any longer. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to a comprehensive, results-driven approach tailored just for you. Choose our services, and let us empower you to run pain-free.